Celebrating the launch of Edenhurst Capital

In Dubai today we are celebrating the launch of our sister company, Edenhurst Capital.

We have established up Edenhurst Capital for clients who either have no links to the UK or see Dubai as a natural hub for their global business interests. Edenhurst Capital is an Investment Management company, but with the considerable advantage of being able to offer the same services that Edenhurst Private Wealth provides to our clients in the UK. The team at Edenhurst Capital all have blue chip careers behind them and are fully committed to the vision of our group, to always do more for our clients.

From their base in the Dubai International Financial Centre, the team are able to offer the expert advice, practical services and professional contacts clients need in order to maintain and enhance their wealth, with services in the areas of financial products, arranging custody, investments and arranging credit. The services provided by Edenhurst Capital are licensed and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).

To find out more, click here (www.edenhurstcapital.com).